Earthbound sword of kings
Earthbound sword of kings

Use your new Eraser Eraser invention to get rid of it and proceed. Upon entering, you'll find an eraser statue. Remember that if things get too tough you can leave and use the Revitalizing device in Dr. Be ready to spend a lot of time here if you want Poo's only weapon in the game. Starmen are also different than other enemies in that you can only get a pre-emptive strike by attacking them from the front! Have them teleport just out of range of you, and attack them from the front to make the battle easier. Before attempting to fight one, watch how far they can teleport so that you aren't caught by surprise. Starmen are odd in that they teleport instead of move across the screen. You will fight many robots and aliens, as well as Starmen.

earthbound sword of kings

Starmen.If you are not between levels 50 and 60 the enemies in this dungeon can be quite difficult.

earthbound sword of kings

  • Starmen.Net EarthBound Walkthrough - Sword of Kings Tips.
  • The Sword of Kings could be a reference to Dragon Quest's Sword of Kings.
  • It makes more sense in the Japanese version, where the command in question is "Strike".
  • Poo's attack command is still "Bash" when equipped with the Sword of Kings despite that you don't bash with a sword.
  • Since Poo's regular attack is pretty weak at this point in the game, the Sword of Kings is exceptionally better. He can equip yo-yos and slingshots, though those types of weapons lower his attack.
  • The Sword of kings is the most infamous 1/128 drop item due to being the only weapon in the game that raises Poo's offense.
  • If your party's average level is about 62, getting a back attack on a single Starman Super will insta-kill it.
  • Equipping the Casey Bat makes it somewhat easier to get the Sword of Kings due to a higher chance of scoring Instant Wins.
  • It has a 1 in 128 (0.78125%) chance of being dropped by a Starman Super in the Stonehenge Base. It is an extremely rare item only obtainable as a drop.

    earthbound sword of kings earthbound sword of kings

    The Sword of kings (Japanese: おうじゃのつるぎ Sword of kings) is a weapon appearing in EarthBoundthat can be equipped by Poo. The sword of kings in the Earthbound player's guide.

    Earthbound sword of kings